04 July 2011

I am going to try something different from now on and try out a “photo a day” theme for my blog.  I think that will help to advance my photography skills and be a fun day to day project.  Sometimes there will be more than one photo a day, though.

Rich and I moved into our new home this week in New Haven.  We are on a pretty tight budget and so we’re taking whatever hand-me-downs we can find.  Luckily for us we got two couches from his parents, a nice three seater and a love seat.  To make it so it fit the room we took a trip to Ikea to get some fabric and then attempted to make couch covers by ourselves.  Below is a sample of the original fabric, followed my the new fabric and the finished product.

The whole project ended up being around $40 - $45 total, so a lot cheaper than the hundred dollar couch covers we were looking at.  I haven’t attempted the three seater yet since I got tired and hungry after this one, but pictures will come of that as well.


  1. IM SO IMPRESSED WITH THE COUCH COVER! and i loveeee the fabric! i cant wait to come up =)

  2. thanks kait! I can’t wait for you to visitttt =)

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    i, too, am super impressed. was it easy? how long did that take?!

    i love you.

